
This is probably the quickest sum up of a year to date. All travel plans are still being curtailed and it seems we’re in this for a little longer. In the meantime we can just think and dream of our favorite destinations and try to keep our heads up.

I had hoped I would be seeing a lot of my newly adopted country in my first year, but as things turned out my only trips were to be a weekend in Glasgow, a weekend in Inverness and a few days in Highland Perthshire. These were all between January and March when travels of course came to an abrupt stop.

The past year without travel gave me the opportunity to focus more on my photography once again after it had been neglected for quite some time. BRAWSCOTLAND came to mind and is continuing taking shape. It really helps me to focus and it gives me the needed distraction from the daily hassles we’re all dealing with at the moment. But the most important thing is that I’m doing something that I really enjoy doing.

The first year for BRAWSCOTLAND finally bore some fruit through the sale of my very first product; the 2021 calendar. It is really heartwarming to know that there are copies hanging in homes and offices as far away as the USA and Australia!


Unboxing calendars

Making them ready for shipping and delivery in Fife.

One real joy was doing the socially-distanced doorstep deliveries of the calendars around Fife and meeting some of the lovely people in person.

It did not all go as planned as my orders to the Netherlands got lost in the post. I promised that everyone would have their copy in time for Christmas so I made the decision to send the orders again, now with a courier, at my own cost and take the loss so that they would be in time for the holidays and I could fulfill my promise. After almost two months from the shipping date of the original orders, I was notified by some customers that the calendars had indeed arrived after all. People were very kind to offer another payment for their duplicate order that had arrived and some even made an extra donation to the RNLI!

My first venture into selling one of my products was a great learning curve. I look forward to developing new ideas for this year as well as working on my calendar for 2022. Thanks to all those who've purchased a calendar and to everyone who has supported me.
Twenty-twenty. Let’s just try to forget the first year of this new decennia and keep looking positively to the future.


A wee MacGregor tartan ribbon I found on top of the grave of Rob Roy.

Balqhuhidder | Stirling Council area | August 2020




Photographers’ Blues